CMYK colors, on the other hand, are created (processed) on the press using a mix between Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and blacK inks.

Pantone spot colors are solid inks assigned numbers that look the same no matter who prints them, which is why spot color is especially important for corporate identities and branded images. The simplest explanation is that Pantone is a popular spot color system and CMYK is a process printing system. What's the difference between Pantone and CMYK? Problem is, many different designers advocate many different methods, from the Pantone Process Guide to simply using a Pantone to CMYK conversion chart or swatches Some Pantone colors simply cannot be reproduced by CMYK, though many can be if you use the right conversion method. If you've ever had to print a Pantone-colored logo to a CMYK press, you know it can be difficult to achieve the perfect color match. You can match your CMYK four-color process to Pantone using this free tool. Find PMS color on an image (Logo color picker).RGB to HSV (RGB, HSV, HSL, HEX color code converter).